Flip Your Perspective - 50min
CHALLENGE POSE - Sometimes you just need to flip your perspective to see the magic in your world, again. Int/Adv yoga class with a focus on inversions.
Full Body Flexy - 45min
CHALLENGE POSE - A deeper opening of the whole body. Some experience with yoga is recommended for this practice.
Deliberate Practice - 60min
CHALLENGE POSE - Engage in Deliberate Practice; the use of effort and concentration to enhance specific skills. This class will increase your core strength and improve your skill level in Bakasana, crow pose.
Master a Skill - 40min
CHALLENGE POSE - This practice will give you the building blocks to start mastering Urdhva Dhanurasana, Wheel Pose.
Ladder Flow – 35min
CHALLENGE POSE - This “ladder flow” style class will help you practice building one mini action step onto the next. We are working toward the peak posture - Bird of Paradise.
Power Up - 10min
CARDIO - Sometimes, the best way to respond to high stress is to move the energy through your body. This class will help you shake off stress, and get ready to take on whatever comes your way.
Heart Opening - 40min
CHALLENGE POSE - Open your heart space and start giving AND receiving appreciation freely.
I Got This! Flow - 35min
CHALLENGE POSE - “To maintain flow, we continually have to test ourselves in ever more challenging activities.” – Lyubomirsky, 2007 You read it, folks - challenge can be positive! In fact, continuous challenge is necessary for accessing flow state. Step confidently into this practice because you are ready for a challenge!
Bring a Friend to Class - 17min
PARTNER FLOW - Invite someone you love to join you for today’s practice! All are welcome!
I wonder if I can...? - 40min
CHALLENGE POSE - Oxford dictionary defines awe as “a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.” This practice will give you baseline tools to tackle a pose that invokes both fear and wonder in many of us - SPLITS!