Four Simple Ways to Infuse Creativity Into Your Movement Practice


Who is the most creative person you know?

Maybe there is a painter, dancer or filmmaker in your life who comes to mind… But can creativity extend beyond those with creative pursuits? I believe YES! Britannica defines creativity as the ability to make or otherwise bring into existence something new. I love this definition because it reminds us that creativity is not always tied to artistic output, but simply the creation of something, (anything) that is new or reimagined. Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way and credited with bringing creativity into mainstream conversation says, “Creativity is the natural order of life,” and, “The refusal to be creative is self-will and is counter to our true nature.” So, if creativity lives is within us and is part of our true nature, then creativity is not reserved solely for those with artistic pursuits; in fact, all humans must be creative in some capacity. Right!? If you think closely about what you do daily, you may notice that creativity shows up more often than you might imagine. Creativity is present when problem solving complicated issues at work and even in choosing what to wear each day.  Some of the most creative humans I know are parents who must constantly assess and re-imagine a more engaging world for their children to enjoy.  So how does one access a more creative life? Let’s look at four ways to invite more creativity into your life through the lens of a movement practice.


Try a new movement format

Treat yourself to a movement class that is outside the scope of your normal movement routine. For example, if you primarily practice yoga, try taking a dance class instead or spar a few rounds with a boxing coach or if you live near a beach (and know how to swim), a surfing lesson. The type of movement you do is not so important, but by practicing new and unfamiliar systems of movement, you allow yourself to become a beginner again. Zen master Shunryo Suzuki describes the beginner’s mindset well. “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s, there are few.” Allow yourself many possibilities by becoming a beginner of movement again.



Create a playlist you LOVE

Do you know that feeling when your favorite song comes on and it doesn’t matter if you’re at home, in the car or even the supermarket; you simply MUST move your body? You’re not thinking about perfection or form, you’re just moving and grooving to the beat you love. This unplanned, intuitive way of connecting to your body is a powerful pathway to wake up fresh energy and uncover new possibilities for movement AND, it may even boost your joy. Kelly McGonigal, author and health psychologist, says in her book The Joy of Movement, “When you let yourself be moved by music, you lay down tracks in your nervous system, pathways for joy to traverse when you hear that song again.” So, get going! Create a playlist with 10 of your absolute favorite songs, pop it on during your next workout or yoga class and ENJOY!

Photo by CD-X on Unsplash



Flip your perspective

 Like, literally. Write down some of your favorite yoga poses and then, try practicing them in a different orientation. You are probably used to doing tree pose, Vrksasana, standing. But what happens if you try it while in plank? Garudasana, eagle pose, is also traditionally a standing posture, but what happens if you try it while laying down on your back? Crow pose can be done on your hands, your back or even against a wall! I love that you can maintain the core engagement of the posture while taking some pressure off the wrists. Learning how to flip your perspective physically can be a mirror to learning how to reframe your perspectives in daily living. What aspects of your life could use a perspective flip at present?

 Please Note: It is essential to move mindfully and to always listen to your body. We are not trying to do tricks here. We are just trying to flip the perspective on our normal routine .

Photo by Michael Perfecto on Unsplash



Switch up your surroundings

 How many of you do your workouts and yoga classes primarily within the confines of a walled structure like a home or studio? Have no fear, I am right there with ya! If you are a city dweller like me, then you know it can be challenging to find outdoor spaces. But wow, when you find them, there is no greater feeling than taking your movement practice outside with the breeze of fresh air flowing around you. If you are feeling extra adventurous, ditch your mat and practice right on the grass, sand, dirt or whatever your outdoor surface may be. Stepping your feet into the earth, a practice known as grounding, has shown to reduce pain and inflammation, minimize stress levels and enhance your overall state of calm. If you haven’t seen it already, I highly recommend watching Earthing the Movie to learn more about the remarkable science of grounding.   





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